You shouldn’t have to choose between nutritious dog food and money in your pocket.

That’s why we source the highest quality raw blends and sell them straight from our home to ensure the lowest price possible. 

Raw made even easier...

Now offering shipping on our dehydrated raw products!

Wondering how much to feed?

Each dog has unique health goals and needs. Our raw food calculator can help you figure out how much food is right for your dog. 

  • You have a dog in the Orange County area that you love with all of your heart.

  • You want your dog to have a shinier coat, less vet visits, better dental health, smaller poops, and a balanced diet without breaking the bank.

  • You would rather spend your spare time doing fun and bonding activities with your dog than spending hours prepping well balanced meals for them.

Our Home, Your Pickup Spot

You can conveniently pick up your food from our home in Modjeska Canyon, just north of Rancho Santa Margarita. We will have your entire order ready to grab and go during your 15-minute pickup window.

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